Pioneering Therapeutic Advances

Grounded in Expert Scientific Research

Pioneering Therapeutic Advances

Grounded in Expert Scientific Research

Cellebration specializes in providing cord-blood derived stem cell therapy for various conditions. Recent studies reveal that the cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells, central to our treatments, can activate the body's cells to encourage healing, regulate the immune system, manage inflammation, and restore damaged tissues.

What are Stem Cells?

Every day, millions of cells in our bodies die or sustain damage, necessitating their continuous replacement. This ongoing cycle is a part of the body's innate repair mechanism, essential for healing injuries and recovering from illnesses.

Every cell in the body, regardless of its specific role, originates from a unique kind of cell known as a stem cell. During differentiation, a stem cell divides to produce two cells: either another stem cell or a different type of new cell.

Typically, the body possesses sufficient stem cells to meet its requirements for new cell generation. However, certain factors can lead to a deficit in stem cells, impacting the body's ability to heal and combat diseases. The growing interest in cell therapy within the scientific community is fueled by emerging research, suggesting that treatments with various cell types can augment the body's own stem cells, thereby enhancing the regenerative process and promoting healing.

Display remarkable regenerative Possess potent anti-inflammatory effects, lowering pro-inflammatory cytokines while boosting anti-inflammatory onesSecrete growth factors that aid the body in its healing process

  • Display remarkable regenerative capabilities
  • Possess potent anti-inflammatory effects, lowering pro-inflammatory cytokines while boosting anti-inflammatory ones
  • Secrete growth factors that aid the body in its healing process

Understanding Stem Cell Therapy

Every cell in the body, irrespective of its role, is derived from stem cells, which possess the ability to differentiate into specialized cells for different organs or tissues as part of a natural growth and development process.

Stem cells function as a key component of the body's innate repair mechanism, replenishing a diverse array of cell types across various structures, organs, and tissues.

  • In response to skin burns, the body activates stem cells to regenerate new skin cells.
  • To combat infections, stem cells are transformed into new immune cells by the body.
  • When joint cartilage degrades, the body repurposes stem cells to form new cartilage cells.

We conduct extremely stringent testing on our stem cells to ensure safety and efficacy. This includes thorough evaluations for Syphilis, Hep B core Aby, Hep B surface Ag, HIV 1 and 2 plus O, HTLV I/II, Hep C Aby, CMV total Aby, HIV/Hep B/Hep C by NAT, Chagas disease, WNV NAT, and Lyme disease, ensuring that each sample meets the highest standards for clinical use.

Types of Stem Cells

There are several different sources of stem cells that have been studied for use in treatment. These include:
Adult or Somatic Stem Cells (Adipose (Fatty) Tissue or Bone Marrow)
Sourced from either adipose (fatty) tissue or bone marrow of a patient or a compatible donor, have been utilized in treatments. However, since these cells are more mature, their capacity for healing and alleviating chronic inflammation is generally less potent compared to other types of stem cells.
Embryonic Stem Cells (Not Utilized by Us)
While embryonic stem cells possess considerable potential for differentiation due to their young age, ethical concerns related to the use of embryos in medical practices have led to restrictions on their use in many countries.
Perinatal Cells (Umbilical Cord-Derived Stem Cells)
Harvested from typically discarded post-birth tissues such as the placenta, amniotic fluids, and umbilical cord, these cells are youthful and highly effective in promoting healing, modulating the immune system, and secreting growth factors that aid in tissue regeneration throughout the body. Being a byproduct of healthy childbirth, these 'adult' stem cells are free from ethical concerns associated with their use.

At Cellebration, we exclusively use umbilical cord blood-derived stem cells, chosen for their exceptional quality and effectiveness. Numerous studies confirm these cells deliver remarkable results, making them a top choice in our treatments. This ensures that our therapies not only meet but exceed expectations in terms of safety and efficacy, providing our patients with the best possible outcomes.

Find out if you are a candidate for stem cell therapy

Advantages of using Cord Blood Stem Cells vs. Manufactured or Manipulated Cells

Reduced Aging and Longer Telomeres

Cord blood-derived stem cells are younger compared to adult stem cells, and they have longer telomeres. Telomeres are the protective caps on the ends of chromosomes that shorten as cells age. Longer telomeres in cord blood stem cells indicate a greater capacity for cell division and regeneration, which is crucial for effective cell therapy.

Wide Range of Therapeutic Applications

Cord blood-derived stem cells are multipotent, allowing them to differentiate into various cell types. This versatility is highly beneficial for diverse therapeutic areas such as orthopedics, liver conditions, and cosmetic and anti-aging treatments. Their ability to regenerate tissue makes them especially valuable in managing degenerative bone and joint conditions, supporting liver health, and enhancing skin rejuvenation efforts, providing a foundation for innovative medical solutions in these fields.

Natural Origin and Reduced Risk of Rejection

One significant benefit of utilizing cord blood-derived stem cells is their natural compatibility with human biology. Harvested from the umbilical cord blood of newborns, these cells are less likely to be rejected by the recipient's immune system compared to manufactured or lab-grown cells. This reduced risk of immune rejection minimizes the potential for graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and other adverse immune responses, enhancing the safety and effectiveness of treatments.

Ethical Considerations and Availability

Harvesting stem cells from cord blood is non-invasive and completely safe for the newborn donor, sidestepping the ethical concerns often linked to other sources of stem cells. This contrasts with the ethical issues associated with embryonic stem cell research. Additionally, cord blood allows for the storage of stem cells, providing a readily accessible source for future therapeutic applications.

Cord blood stem cells present several advantages over manufactured cells, including natural compatibility with human biology, therapeutic versatility, lower risks of rejection and contamination, ethical acceptability, and potential for personalized medicine. These benefits make them a valuable resource in regenerative medicine and cell-based therapies.

Benefits of our Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Sourced from healthy US donors
Cord-blood derived cells produced in advanced laboratories
FDA-registered production facilities
Applicable for a broad range of conditions
Potent tissue regeneration capabilities
Facilitates the replacement of aged cells with new ones

Get in touch for more information on conditions treated

Top Quality Cord Blood-Derived Stem Cells

Exclusive Methods for Harvesting High-Potency Cells

The laboratory responsible for harvesting the stem cells utilized in our stem cell therapy treatments holds FDA registration and AABB accreditation, ensuring adherence to top-tier standards. Meticulously crafted protocols, grounded in extensive research, guide every stage of the process. This rigorous approach includes thorough selection, testing, refinement, and purification of cells, yielding minimally manipulated yet highly potent cells for therapeutic purposes.

Adapts to varying conditions of each cord blood collection to maximize stem cell recovery, taking into account maternal factors and specific collection details to ensure effective retrieval from every sample.
Focuses on reducing risks of contamination and adverse transplant reactions, utilizing a closed system and less toxic cryo-preservatives to safeguard stem cells and patient safety during transplantation.
Strives for uniform stem cell yields, irrespective of the volume of cord blood collected. This approach ensures consistent recovery efficiency, effectively managing the variability in cord blood collection volumes.
Entails confirming the effectiveness of the processing method through clinical research and scientific studies, demonstrating superior recovery, significant red cell depletion, and minimized contamination risks compared to traditional methods.

Targeted Stem Cell Therapies

Advanced Methods for Precise Treatment Area Targeting

Commonly, our patient treatment protocols include a minimum of one intravenous (IV) infusion. This simple procedure introduces cells directly into the bloodstream, allowing them to circulate and reach various parts of the body effectively.

In cases of targeted therapy, our protocols frequently employ direct injections into specific regions. Where required, our medical experts use sophisticated imaging methods, such as X-ray fluoroscopy, to precisely administer cells to the intended areas.

The choice of injection method is tailored to the particular condition being addressed and may encompass:


Cells are directly injected into a muscle, a procedure usually performed without the need for anesthesia.


Involves injecting cells directly into a joint for arthritis or orthopedic injuries. Generally does not require anesthesia.


Cells are administered into spinal discs and facets, typically necessitating intravenous sedation.


Involves injecting cells directly into the spinal canal, usually performed with local anesthesia.

Are you considering stem cell therapy?

Stem cell therapy presents a promising avenue for pain alleviation, tissue regeneration, and an improved quality of life. If you're grappling with a medical condition, you might find significant benefits from stem cell treatments.

Explore your suitability for stem cell therapy at our advanced clinical facilities in San Juan, where treatments are provided using stem cells from a US-based laboratory, fully registered with the FDA and accredited by the AABB.

Find out if you are a candidate for stem cell therapy